Blech! What’s This Bad Taste in My Mouth?
October 4, 2024

Sometimes it’s the little things that can be the most bothersome. Having a bad taste in your mouth might seem like a small issue, but the longer it lingers, the more annoying it is to deal with! You’d probably like to know what the problem is so you can seek treatment.
A bad taste in your mouth could mean a number of things – some of the more common problems being related to your oral health. Keep reading to narrow down your symptoms and find out how your dentist might be able to help.
It’s Time to Brush Your Teeth
Seems simple, doesn’t it? If your oral hygiene hasn’t been very consistent lately, the bacteria building up in your mouth could be producing that awful taste. Give your teeth a thorough brushing for at least two minutes, and don’t forget to floss between your teeth.
It might take a few days of regular hygiene to get rid of the bitterness completely, but twice-daily brushing and once-daily flossing helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease, so it’s important to keep at it!
Gum Disease Doesn’t Taste Good
When harmful bacteria, plaque, and tartar accumulate to a certain point, they can cause gum disease. This disease doesn’t affect your teeth so much as your gums but seeing as how your gums help keep your pearly whites in place, this could still lead to some dental consequences – like loose teeth. If you’re tasting something terrible, you might need to call your emergency dentist for gum disease therapy.
A Dental Abscess is Forming
A dental abscess is a pus-filled pocket that can form around your dental root or elsewhere along your gumline. It likely doesn’t smell very nice, and it typically tastes just as bad. You might also experience fever, swelling, or toothache. Abscesses are the product of a serious infection, so if you have reason to believe this might be the problem, call your emergency dentist and request a same-day appointment!
How Your Dentist Can Help
Treating the bad taste in your mouth will depend on what’s causing it. If oral hygiene solves the problem after a few days, then great! Otherwise, you might need gum disease therapy, a professional deep cleaning, or a root canal. In extreme cases, a tooth extraction is also sometimes necessary.
But there’s no need to jump to conclusions! There are many more things that can make your mouth bitter, and not all of them are dental emergencies. Contact your dentist to discuss your symptoms. They can provide you with a prompt diagnosis and, if necessary, quality treatment!
About the Author
Dr. Sowmya Kumar earned her dental doctorate from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. She’s a lifelong learner though, and actively pursues advanced training courses so she can provide the best care for her patients. If you have an annoyingly awful taste in your mouth, let Dr. Kumar know. She’ll examine your mouth for dangerous oral conditions and make sure you get the treatment you need. To contact her office, call 321-631-4334.
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