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What to Expect During My First Month with Dentures

May 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 1:40 am
person with dentures smiling

For many, missing teeth cause their confidence to take a hit. fortunately, dentures offer a solution. They can replace several of a person’s teeth or their entire smile for a full, realistic look. If you’ve recently started to wear dentures or are considering them, they will be quite an adjustment. Keep reading to learn about what patients can expect during the first month of wearing dentures as well as some tips for a smooth transition to their new smile.


5 Steps to Follow If You Knock Out a Tooth

February 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 5:11 pm
person with knocked-out tooth covering their mouth

Did you just knock out one of your pearly whites? If so, it can be difficult to know what to do next. You may find yourself panicking about how to quickly get the situation under control. Fortunately, your emergency dentist can help. Continue reading to learn about the steps you should take if you knock out a tooth until your emergency dentist is able to remedy the situation.


Ouch! Chipped a Tooth? Here’s What You Can Do About It

November 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 8:03 pm
a man worried about a chipped tooth in Rockledge

Although enamel is the hardest material in the human body, it doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. One wrong bite or sudden impact on the face, and you can end up damaging or chipping a tooth. Even if you aren’t feeling any discomfort, this situation can be unsettling and you’ll want to seek treatment as soon as possible. Read on to learn a quick guide on how to handle a chipped tooth and restore your smile to good health!


Should I Go to the ER for a Dental Emergency?

August 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 9:20 am
Dentists treating a dental emergency

You probably think an ER is best for most medical emergencies. If so, you’re right —this hospital department has experienced doctors and nurses who can treat all sorts of things. However, things change when you’re facing a dental emergency. In that scenario, you should see your emergency dentist as soon as possible. Compared to a hospital, they’d give you a higher quality of oral care. To learn more, here’s a summary of why an ER isn’t ideal for dental emergencies and why to see a dentist instead.


3 Things to Anticipate During an Emergency Dental Visit

June 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 11:44 am
woman thinking about an emergency dental visit in Rockledge

A dental emergency can happen when you least expect one. Whether you have a toothache or a knocked-out tooth, you’ll want to see your dentist right away to get it treated. However, it can also feel daunting to schedule an appointment, especially if you’re not sure what to expect when you arrive. Keep reading to learn three things you can anticipate during an emergency dental visit so that you can feel more comfortable about your treatment!


5 Tips for Adjusting to Implant Dentures

March 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dr_nichols @ 12:53 am

Model of upper implant dentureAre you ready to say goodbye to slipping and irritation permanently? Implant dentures in Rockledge are for you. You won’t have to rely on suction or an adhesive to hold your denture in place. Dental implants will anchor it to your jawbone. You’ll enjoy a nearly perfect replica of your natural teeth; however, it’s going to take a few days to adjust to your implant dentures. Don’t worry, here are 5 tips to make the transition period a breeze.


4 Ways to Dislodge an Object Stuck Between Your Teeth

January 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 3:28 pm
woman using toothpick for object stuck between teeth in Rockledge

You just finished eating an amazing meal, but now you have something lodged between your teeth. This can be a frustrating feeling, especially if you’re spending a night out with friends. Not only is it uncomfortable, but leaving anything in the middle of the teeth can gradually lead to the accumulation of bacteria and an infection. The best thing you can do is dislodge it. Read on to learn four common tips to remove an object stuck between your teeth in Rockledge.


How to Know You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed and Why

December 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 1:15 am
patient at dentist for wisdom teeth removal in Rockledge

Also called your third molars, wisdom teeth are the last of your pearly whites to erupt, and they usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25. Your wisdom teeth may be a natural part of your body, but it’s very common to have them removed due to overcrowding or a range of other issues. Read on to learn three reasons why people undergo wisdom teeth removal in Rockledge and how to know if yours need to be extracted.


What Should You Do About an Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 7:49 pm
impacted wisdom teeth

Maybe not to the extent that “root canal” has a bad reputation, but when you hear “wisdom teeth” it may have a negative connotation. That’s probably because you generally think about them having to be removed.

Some people’s wisdom teeth cause no trouble at all. It’s really the impacted version that is the problem. Keep reading to learn what they are, why it matters, and what you should do regarding impacted wisdom teeth removal in Rockledge.


Is Facial Swelling a Reason to See an Emergency Dentist?

October 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nichols @ 7:34 pm
girl swollen face illustration

You wake and something just doesn’t feel right. When you get in front of the bathroom mirror – what the heck?! Your face is swollen and uncomfortable. Without knowing why it happened, you can’t help but worry.

It’s a smart call to contact your emergency dentist for facial swelling because you need to rule out any serious issues. Keep reading to learn potential causes of the swelling, why you would need to see your dentist, and what to expect during the examination.

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